Astilbe chinensis ‘Mighty Chocolate Cherry’

Chinese Astilbe ‘Mighty Chocolate Cherry’
Family: Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)
·        Hardiness Zones:  3-9
·        Height: 45 inches
·        Spread: 18-24 inches
·        Bloom Time: July to August
·        Bloom: red flower spikes
·        Light: full sun to part shade
·        Soil: average
·        Moisture: medium to moist
·        Use: accent for texture, borders, massed or specimen, woodland; also thrives in tubs and mixed containers; excellent for cutting
·        Care: low maintenance; seed heads may be removed or left on the plant for winter interest; divide every 2-3 years in early spring
·        Concerns: no serious insect or disease problems
·        Native to: species native to China
·        Notes: boldly divided dark green and chocolate brown to reddish foliage; deer and rabbit resistant; tolerates black walnut
·        Supplier: The Flower Factory
·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Wet Garden D124

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