Eutrochium purpureum 'Ruby'

Joy Pye Weed 'Ruby'

Family: Asteraceae (Aster Family)


·        Hardiness Zones:  4-9

·        Height: 24-30 inches

·        Spread: 24-28 inches

·        Bloom Time: July to hard frost

·        Bloom: 10 inch wide compound domed clusters of aster-like flowers with red-purple florets

·        Light: full sun to part shade

·        Soil: moist fertile humusy, sandy to gravelly soils

·        Moisture: consistent moisture; tolerates wet conditions

·        Use: mass plantings, naturalized areas; cottage, meadow, pollinator and rain garden; cut and dried flower; late season nectar source for butterflies, hummingbirds and pollinators

·        Care: low maintenance; cut plants to the ground in late winter

·        Concerns: no serious insect or disease problems; leaves scorch if soil dries out; watch for powdery mildew in high humidity

·        Native to: species native to eastern North America

·        Notes: compact selection of the classic Joe Pye Weed, upright and bush-like; tall stems with deep-green lance-shaped coarsely-toothed 3-9 inch-long leaves arranged in whorls; stems topped with flower plumes; deer and rabbit resistant; nectar-rich flowers attract pollinators; dried flower heads provide winter interest; species formerly classified in genus Eupatorium

·        Supplier: Donated by West Madison Agricultural Research Station

·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Naturalistic Garden H204


       Content produced through:

       Dane County UWEX Master Gardener Volunteer Program 



       Dane County UWEX Horticulture Program


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