Ajuga reptans 'Cordial Canary'

Feathered Friends™ Bugleweed 'Cordial Canary'

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)


·        Hardiness Zones:  4-9

·        Height: 3-6 inches

·        Spread: 12-24 inches

·        Bloom Time: May to June

·        Bloom: blue-lavender flower spikes

·        Light: part sun to full shade; more intense foliage color with AM sun to part sun

·        Soil: adaptable; best in rich, humusy, well-drained, slightly acidic soil

·        Moisture: medium

·        Use: groundcover, borders and edges, mixed containers

·        Care: divide overcrowded plants; may be mowed after flowering to remove spent flower spikes and rejuvenate foliage; provide good air circulation to avoid crown rot

·        Concerns: generally pest-free; watch for powdery mildew; avoid planting where its spreading nature could pose removal problems

·        Native to: species native to Europe

·        Notes: low-growing, slowly-expanding mound of attractive evergreen foliage with glossy, brilliant gold leaves; excellent for shady areas where grass has difficulty growing; flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds; rabbit and deer resistant

·        Supplier: Ebert's Greenhouse Village

·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Sidewalk Garden G289


       Content produced through:

       Dane County UWEX Master Gardener Volunteer Program 



       Dane County UWEX Horticulture Program


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