Lamium maculatum 'Beedham's White'

Spotted Deadnettle 'Beedham's White'
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
·        Hardiness Zones:  4-8
·        Height: 6 inches
·        Spread: 12-24 inches
·        Bloom Time: Apriil to July
·        Bloom: white snapdragons
·        Light: part shade to full shade
·        Soil: average well-drained
·        Moisture: dry to medium; most compact in moist soils, tends to open up in drier areas
·        Use: weed-smothering ground cover for shady area, edger (but spread must be controlled); mask for dying bulb foliage
·        Care: if plants become leggy, shear back to shape; shear back in spring to stimulate healthy new growth; easily divided in spring or fall
·        Concerns: no serious insect or disease problems
·        Native to: species native to Europe and Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, western China
·        Notes: toothed, oval, chartreuse-with-a-white-midrib leaves (to 1" long)
·        Supplier: The Flower Factory
·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Heuchera Garden E192

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