Lilium x 'Perfect Joy'

Asiatic Lily 'Perfect Joy'
Family: Liliaceae (Lily Family)
·        Hardiness Zones:  4-8
·        Height: 16 inches
·        Spread: 14-16 inches
·        Bloom Time: mid to late June
·        Bloom: pink with white center
·        Light: full sun to part shade
·        Soil: average, well-drained
·        Moisture: medium
·        Use: accent plant for bed or border; attracts hummingbirds and pollinators
·        Care: divide bulbs in fall every 2 years; remove spent blooms but leave foliage alone for as long as it is green; cut stalks to ground in late autumn
·        Concerns: monitor for aphids and rot; rabbits like Asiatic lilies
·        Native to: hybrid cultivar
·        Notes: little or no fragrance; as they establish they will produce more flowers every years; salt tolerant
·        Supplier: Kopke's Fruit of the Bloom
·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Sidewalk Garden G180

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