Nepeta hybrid ‘'Blue Prelude'

Catmint 'Blue Prelude'

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)


·        Hardiness Zones:  5-9

·        Height: 28-36 inches

·        Spread: 24-30

·        Bloom Time: late spring to summer

·        Bloom: loose spikes of abundant bright lavender-blue, two-lipped, trumpet shaped flowers; flowers are larger than other nepetas and appear all the way up the stems

·        Light: full sun; tolerates light afternoon shade

·        Soil: light, well-drained

·        Moisture: medium; allow soil to dry between thorough waterings

·        Use: edging and borders; cottage, pollinator, rock and perennial gardens; ground cover and erosion control; mass planting; containers; cut flower

·        Care: trim back occasionally to encourage rebloom; water regularly, especially in extreme heat

·        Concerns: no serious insect or disease problems

·        Native to: hybrid cultivar

·        Notes: upright mounding form, with broad, deeper green leaves than other nepeta; mint-scented foliage repels pests including mosquitos; flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies; deer and rabbit resistant

·        Supplier: Kopke's Fruit of the Bloom

·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Sidewalk Garden G215


       Content produced through:

       Dane County UWEX Master Gardener Volunteer Program 



       Dane County UWEX Horticulture Program


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