Sedum acre 'Golden Carpet'

Goldmoss Stonecrop 'Golden Carpet'

Family: Crassulaceae (Orphine Family)


·        Hardiness Zones:  3-8

·        Height: 4-6 inches

·        Spread: 10-24 inches

·        Bloom Time: summer

·        Bloom: clusters of small star-shaped yellow flowers with protruding stamens just above foliage

·        Light: full sun to part sun

·        Soil: very well-drained; does well in poor, shallow, and rocky soils

·        Moisture: dry to average; drought tolerant

·        Use: border edging; rock/alpine gardens; groundcover; mass planting; cascading accent; containers

·        Care: low maintenance; avoid over-watering; clean up spent foliage in early spring; readily propagated through stem cuttings

·        Concerns: no serious insect or disease problems; rotting-out may occur in wet or poorly-drained conditions; watch for slugs and snails

·        Native to: species native to northern Africa, western Asia, and  Europe

·        Notes: low-growing, mat-forming, finely-textured evergreen succulent with tangled stems thickly covered in overlapping fleshy, blunt, conical leaves; leaves emerge slightly variegated golden-lime-green,  lighten in summer, and return to  golden-lime  in fall; hardy, vigorous spreader, capable of becoming invasive; readily self-seeds; flowers attract butterflies and bees; rabbit and deer resistant; tolerant of salt and urban pollution; tolerant of light foot traffic

·        Supplier: Kopke's Fruit of the Bloom

·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Rock Garden C296


       Content produced through:

       Dane County UWEX Master Gardener Volunteer Program 



       Dane County UWEX Horticulture Program


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