Stachys minima (Stachys spathulata)

Dwarf Betony

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)


·        Hardiness Zones:  4-8

·        Height: 3-6 inches

·        Spread: 8-12 inches

·        Bloom Time: June to July

·        Bloom: rose-purple, tubular, two-lipped flowers bloom in dense whorls on plump 4-6 inch spikes above basal foliage

·        Light: full sun to light shade (flowers best in full sun)

·        Soil: average, well-drained

·        Moisture: medium; evenly moist; established plants have some drought tolerance

·        Use: borders and edging; small area ground cover; rock and cottage gardens, informal naturalized areas; rock walls; containers

·        Care: low maintenance; deadhead after bloom to preserve foliage vitality; avoid overhead watering; leave over winter and clean up in spring

·        Concerns: no serious insect or disease problems; too much shade, excess humidity, and poor drainage promote root rot and leaf diseases; watch for slugs and snails

·        Native to: Southern Africa

·        Notes: dwarf, rhizomatous green perennial providing interesting form and texture even when not in bloom; foliage forms dense, ground-hugging rosette of dark, glossy green, spatula-shaped, scalloped and crinkled leaves; flowers attract bees and other pollinators; deer and rabbit tolerant

·        Supplier: Kopke's Fruit of the Bloom

·        Teaching Garden Location & Code: Wet Garden D154


       Content produced through:

       Dane County UWEX Master Gardener Volunteer Program 



       Dane County UWEX Horticulture Program


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